1. Prior to going out eat, have a
protein smoothie. They not only taste great, but they'll also keep you feeling fuller longer. Thus you won't be inclined to want as much food wise.
2. Create a mantra "Nothing after 9." It means no meals or unhealthy food after 9 p.m. Plan your last meal or snack at a time when your body will utilize it before you go to sleep.
3. Anywhere you go, park on the complete other side of the parking lot. It's a quick power walk. And if you're carrying something back, then all the better! Unless it's a box of doughnut's...
4. Have a cheat day. Usually Friday is the best, because it's been a long week and everyone needs a break. Don't over-indulge, just eat something you usually wouldn't eat during the week.
5. Work out on the
weekends. Most of us can find many good reasons not to work out on the weekends, so if you can find time for it, you're getting closer to your goal.
6. If you don't feel like turning on the stove or doing dishes, try microwave meals. Morning Star egg substitute, frozen stir-fry veggies, fat-free cheese, and hot sauce takes about
10 minutes.
7. Think of your stomach as a fire, and if you continually add a little bit of fuel to it, it'll keep burning stronger than if you throw a large amount on a smoldering flame. Likewise, after exercising, the fire will be roaring and burn up what is thrown on it faster.
8. Work out after work on Friday before you go out on the town. You'll think twice about eating and drinking everything in sight Friday evening.
9. Put the salad dressing on the side. Dip your fork in the dressing, then spear some salad. Because the dressing is on the bottom of the fork (tongue side), you won't miss out on any of the taste.
10. Always take the stairs. I work on the 11th floor of my building and there are 368 steps to the post office in the basement (I've counted). If I do it a couple times a day, that's a step forward toward
weight loss success.